The [relational] boundaries of your heart

Just as a house becomes a home once it's filled with love and life, our hearts also transform when they are occupied by the right people. You are the keeper of your heart, and you have the power to decide who gets to enter this sacred space.

It's important to protect your heart and carefully consider who you allow in. Do these individuals treat you with respect and care? Do they honour your boundaries and listen to your wishes, or do they attempt to control you? Are they mindful of the tenderness and value of your heart?

Don’t be ruled by others in your own heart or let others dictate your emotions or decisions. We each have a responsibility to safeguard our hearts and shield them from those who may not have our best interests at heart. Remember, you have the authority to decide who stays and who goes.

Who are you allowing to occupy your heart?


Psychological Flexibility


The Freeze Mode