Joy: an intentional state of being; a character trait; a choice.
Choose joy, but don't look for it out there somewhere. Look inwards.
Psychological Flexibility
Psychological flexibility is being able to spend our time, energy and efforts on the things that we love and what matters to us - whilst making space for setbacks and disappointments.
“We bend so that we do not break”
The [relational] boundaries of your heart
We are all responsible to handle our heart with care. Who are you letting occupy your heart?
The Freeze Mode
Dissociation can be our brain's way of protecting us from dangers that are out of our control. It allows us to escape "mentally". Unfortunately, this is where a disconnect between our mind and our body can occur, perpetuating feelings of disconnection within the self and reality.
My life, my responsibility
“whether we caused the problems in our life or not, we are still responsible to fix them”
Inner Critic or the Inner Advisor?
We all have an inner critic (for some of us louder than others), but do we give enough voice and attention to our inner advisor?
Emotional sensitivity and over reactions
Do you ever feel like your emotional reactions are disproportionate to the situation at hand? Do you find yourself thinking, ‘why can’t I just get over it?’ The emotional parts of your brain may be at work!
The Whole Self
All of us have diverse sides, facets, and parts to who we are, and it doesn’t always feel whole or integrated.
The Importance of KPAs in Therapy
Being able to identify “key problem areas” is a crucial element to therapy.
Personality or Pathology?
We all have variances and variability in our temperament - and not all of these differences or “quirks’ are pathological.
Traumatic Experiences and Emotional Processing
Why your feelings do matter and deserve to be experienced.