Schema Spotlight #6

Schemas, formed through life experiences, encompass a range of mental elements including feelings, sensations, memories, thoughts, and beliefs. Our schemas profoundly influence our perception of ourselves and others, guiding our decisions and actions in navigating the world.

Negativity Pessimism [NP]: Do you often expect the worst, even when something good happens? Do you downplay the positives and brace yourself for things to go wrong, especially with new or unexpected situations? If so, you might be experiencing the Negativity/Pessimism schema.

Being labeled as negative or pessimistic isn't pleasant, but there could be valid reasons for this mindset. If you grew up with anxious or overly cautious parents, they may have inadvertently instilled a fear of the unknown in you. They might have even criticised you or said things like “I told you it would go wrong!” when things didn't go as planned, making you hesitant to take further risks. Alternatively, past traumatic experiences could have conditioned your brain to fear the unknown, triggering a hypervigilant response to any uncertain situations. It's also worth noting that some people are naturally more inclined toward pessimism due to temperament, which, in moderation, can be just as valuable as optimism.

However, negativity and pessimism become problematic when they lead to constant worry, excessive vigilance, and a paralysing fear of making decisions. If this is how you feel most of the time, it might be indicative that you are engaging in unhelpful or distorted cognition, and it may be worth getting help to regain some control over your inner world.


The Freeze Mode


My life, my responsibility